I recommend everyone go check out Fahrenheit 9/11 even if they, like me have a career in broadcast news, sure, there was nothing in it I had not seen or heard before but it was nice to have all of those points condensed into an hour and a half as opposed to have had gathered all that data from years of paying attention to the news.
This is the place to find out what new and exciting events are unfolding in the life and times of Je Kemp.
Saturday, July 17, 2004
Monday, July 12, 2004
Do I have a fotolog problem?
My fotolog is something that I enjoy posting and these are the photographs that I like to share with the world but, are my images simply no good? Why do I receive so few comments? I navigate around the site and comment on other folks logs that I enjoy and hope that the same could happen possibly for me.
Does this mean that I suck as a photographer?
I do understand that the most comments come when you post images of females that are clad in a minimalistic fashion. But even when I post something like that, there is such little commentary for what I am doing despite the fact that I am receiving thousands of hits per week. What are these people thinking as these pass on through? I am actually curious to understand how my own work is perceived and find the comments of the few who do post to me wonderful and I am truly grateful for them.
I look at some of the loggers who get the comments and there are often so many not just one or two but ten, twenty or more? How are their images better than mine, more thought-provoking than mine, more inspired than mine? I just don't understand. Maybe I never will.
I recently joined another photo service that is stanger in this regard than fotolog, textamerica. I feel that this mobile phone effort will be hard for me to sustain based on the nature of these other users on the site.
Maybe I need more attention, is that why I am posting here now? Posting for my two loyal readers? I feel that they already give me too much attention as it is. What am I to do?
Posted by
Je Kemp
Monday, July 12, 2004
The all important weekend update:
Friday afternoon found me free from the bondage of work thanks in part to a program initiated by Phil Kent, one of the few executives in this company that I actually admire. It was a wonderful example of a hot and humid July afternoon. Luckily, the bus had the A/C on for the ride back home to the southside.
I had some of my own coconut chicken soup for a light dinner and by nine p.m., I was over at Alan & Tiffany's cocktail party. This of course is when the drinking started and lay the path to follow for the rest of the weekend. Mint Julip, Bourbon & Ice, Newcastle(s),Sake to name a few of the drinks that I poured into myself on Friday night made for a rather rough arrival into Saturday morning.
The light of the sun was so unrelenting in its pursuit of all-time brightness, the heat of midday seemed to have discovered a new home as the heat of first light. Lacking my sunglasses I took the glare with eyes squinted and lowered until I was able to seek refuge in my own cool & darkened room.
Saturday- More to come!
Posted by
Je Kemp
Monday, July 12, 2004