This is the place to find out what new and exciting events are unfolding in the life and times of Je Kemp.

Saturday, October 16, 2004



College Station kroger is 400 times better than the Citicenter

Friday, October 15, 2004

San Francisico Street Shot

San Francisico Street Shot, originally uploaded by jekemp.

I have always loved this picture. I took it while sitting inside a car on the way to the Swan Oyster Depot. I remember having a really wonderful time that day and will always treasure these moments in time.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

There is a really great and affordable wine out now. Its the Mondavi Woodbridge Zinfandel. This stuff is being sold for around four dollars a bottle. Its almost needless to say but I have been in case mode for this deal. It is a great, well-balanced wine for everyday use.
This wine's zinfandel grapes hail from California's Lodi region, where this variety has a long history dating back to the Gold rush. I personally like the subtle notes of vanilla and cedar in the finish. If you see some, give it a try as you won't be disappointed.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Spyware on Internet Explorer is like herpes. Just when you think its gone, it flares up again. This spyware nonsense has got to stop. I am so upset with the people who are involved with this sort of crap that it is making me mentally unstable. Do these folks realize what they are doing to PCs?

Too bad the people with the pursestrings here where I work are more interested in trading advertising time for "free" PCs when they could have just bought non~microsoft computers to work with...

Apple comes to mind as well as linux but hey, what's better than a free PC and countless hours of OT for the socially vacant losers who work at the helpdesk?

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

This news is so hot, the server is overloaded....

Cherry OS, a $49.95 "reverse Virtual PC", promises to run the Mac OS on PC hardware:
MXS today announce the immediate availability of Cherry OS software. Cherry OS is a software translator that allows you to install Apple's Operating System on x86 computer architecture. To put it simply, you can now run Apple's award winning Panther OS on your PC! This breakthrough in OS development now gives home users, software developers and web designer's ultimate flexibility in both the operating system and hardware platform you use for your personal computer or testing environment. Cherry OS runs Panther as a virtual machine on your Windows PC. This virtual machine has full network capabilities including the ability to share folders and access the web. The virtual machine also has complete access to the computer's hardware resources including, Hard Drive, CPU, RAM, Firewire, USB, PCI, PCMIA BUS and RJ45/Ethernet and Modem.

Monday, October 11, 2004

fuzzy landscapes

fuzzy aquarium landscape, originally uploaded by jekemp.

I am back at work after a weekend devoted to my brother's wedding. With any luck things will quiet down around here for a while and I can get some much needed relaxation.