The only thing that I don't like about Thursday is that its not Friday. The week is drawing to a close and yet there is this one last hurdle to overcome and thats Friday morning.
On another note, I have been TV free for almost a month now and I can honestly report that I do not miss it. Now, instead of wasting my time in 30 minute increments, I am working on my own video projects and enjoying my life more.
I realize that it is hypocritical to be against television when I draw the lionshare of my pay from a broadcasting corporation but I watch video all day at work, my eyes hurt by the time friends comes on. I know that I am better off without it and I urge everyone else to try it.
This is the place to find out what new and exciting events are unfolding in the life and times of Je Kemp.
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
I have been working on some video projects the past several days and things are really looking good. Of course, I need to purchase some items to realize my vision but by the end of this weekend, I will have something concrete to start passing around to potential venues. Then hopefully this nearly two year old hiatus from the scene will come to an end and I will once again be where I want to be.
Posted by
Je Kemp
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Here is yet another day here at the office where I do not have a desk of my own, when it comes to computers and servers, I can hold my own, I am no genius but I do understand the dynamics of the FTP process.
Now that thought is out there, I can continue, how long are my computer skills going to be exploited by people who are completely clueless with regard to the technology that surrounds them?
Should I really care?
Posted by
Je Kemp
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Monday, September 20, 2004
It is never easy to get out of bed on Monday morning and today was no exception. I am glad that I managed to take a shower and put on clean clothes. The things I did not manage to do included forgetting to bring my wallet to work. I hate when I do this, well, I just hate it when I just don't have time on my side and I never have enough time.
Last night, the weather here in Atlanta was wonderful. I did not even have to run the attic fan. Unfortunately, I had yet another re-occurring dream about a bizarre rectangle-like spacecraft tracking low in the heavens. Maybe it was all that buzz a couple of weeks ago about transmissions from space. I should have been having dreams about anything but spacecraft last night. I have to admit that aliens and alien technology actually frighten me. I would say much more so than clowns used to scare me as a young child. I know that this fear is without merit but what can I do to not dwell on the subject when dark craft from the unknown reaches of space find me looking upward and seeing them in the sky above?
Well, that is me for the moment but anyway, after some friendly discourse with friends and family on the subject of the upcoming elections, It has been determined that the democratic party in America has been incredibly weakened by GOP spin and if a road to recovery is not found soon, America will become a true one party system. Neato huh?
Let's see, Four more years of George W Bush in the White House, then I think Jeb Bush will be ready to give the oval office a whirl since by that time he will have succeeded in turning the coastline of Florida into a haven for Bush family oil derricks. I am willing to wager that the American people will really take to Jeb and decide that they need him for "four more years" and then by the 16th consecutive year of bush rule, the democrats will just be a sad and forgotten memory like the whigs or what party that Ross Perot created in the name of "reform."
Posted by
Je Kemp
Monday, September 20, 2004