This is the place to find out what new and exciting events are unfolding in the life and times of Je Kemp.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Sausages in Jars

Picture003.jpg, originally uploaded by jekemp.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

The Flying Pig Barbecue

The Flying Pig Barbecue, originally uploaded by jekemp.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

woodfired Ceramics

woodfired Ceramics, originally uploaded by jekemp.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Loading the Anagama

Loading the Anagama, originally uploaded by jekemp.

This was an experience that I will not soon forget...

Monday, October 24, 2005

Anagama Kiln Firing

This is what I will be doing this weekend.

Anagama Firing with Anne Rafferty

Firing October 29- 31, Unloading November 6

Everyone is invited to join in the firing of our wonderful anagama kiln. Bring cone 10 bisque pots, and glaze with our glazes, or bring your own cone 10 glazes to share. Loading begins early on Friday morning, stoking begins late Friday night and continues until Sunday morning. Participants will sign up for four hour shifts to stoke the kiln. The kiln will be unloaded the following Saturday, November 6. Bring protective clothing (long sleeves, no synthetic fibers- they are flammable) and work gloves. Trucks and chainsaws are always needed, too!

The firing fee is one cent per cubic inch. Participants are welcome to camp on the lawn. Food is potluck style- bring something you can share. Everyone is expected to pitch in! Please RSVP to hold your place in the firing.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


Piedmont, originally uploaded by jekemp.


Sunday, September 11, 2005


urinal, originally uploaded by jekemp.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Potters hands

Potters hands, originally uploaded by jekemp.

I found this interesting article online today that discusses art & ceramic design influences in coffeebars of London in the fifties:

Friday, August 19, 2005

Glass bottle duck

Glass bottle duck, originally uploaded by jekemp.

Saturday, August 13, 2005


Beer, originally uploaded by jekemp.

Thursday, July 28, 2005

A new look for the Terminus.

Atlanta, originally uploaded by jekemp.

I have opted for a newer cleaner look around here and maybe, I will get around to posting some more info about the city of Atlanta but for now, enjoy this map of the region.

Friday, July 01, 2005


nuggets, originally uploaded by jekemp.

All you can eat nuggets tuesday 5-8:30pm

Modules in space

Modules in space, originally uploaded by jekemp.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005


Picture002.jpg, originally uploaded by jekemp.


Snow wolves?

Snow wolves?, originally uploaded by jekemp.

I really enjoy old advertisements, especially the ones that make no sense..


After six years at CNN, I am now out. I can now direct my energy to attaining the things in life that I want. It is as if a great weight has been lifted from me and I can now be myself without having to worry about the day to day drama created by my former supervisor. The first day of my class was yesterday and I am really looking forward to it. The first project involves the creation of a form from cardboard laminate. I have a few ideas in this regard but I need to go out and purchase a new sketch book to catalogue and collect my concepts. It looks like I am going to need lots of glue and plenty of blades for my utility knife. Despite my current unemployed status, I feel more confident than ever.

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Pizza in the City

Grant Central Pizza sign, originally uploaded by jekemp.

Atlanta is a swell place to get Pizza, because the city lacks originality, All types are sold around here. Many Pizza places intown seem to emulate the Fellini's Pizza method. Fellini's pizza originated in little five points but despite numerous locations around the city, Sadly this original spot is now just a sad clone of its former self.

Here are some urls of some good, bad & ugly intown pizza joints:

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

are you a good idea?

are you a good idea?, originally uploaded by jekemp.

Am I a good idea?

Whose idea is it anyway?

Thursday, March 24, 2005


contained, originally uploaded by jekemp.

This tree simply refuses to be fenced in.

Close quarters

Close quarters, originally uploaded by jekemp.

I am interested in the observation of trees and the pressure that is applied to them in urban environments. Trees whose growth has been affected by the machinations of man dwell in the very epicenter of the conflict between civilization and raw nature . This careful balancing act can play out in many interesting forms before in most cases the tree submits to its own foretold doom at the hand of man.

Rotting Oak

Rotting Oak, originally uploaded by jekemp.

Friday, February 11, 2005

Monday, January 17, 2005

self portrait

selfportrait, originally uploaded by jekemp.

I took this photo of myself last weekend around midnight in my friends bathroom immediately after drinking a few glasses of scotch. yay.

I realize that I have been neglecting this blog to a rather large degree as of late but, have you ever had the feeling that maybe you just were not cut out for daily updates. Maybe this particular blogger has nothing to say on any given day. I am invisible in reality and nearly so in cyberspace. It does not really bother the writer that there is so little insight to choose from but damn, I do love the attention.

In the past, I was very interested in making the scene around Atlanta but these days, I hardly leave the house. It seems like there is no point, and its time to move on. I have met some really great people from my adventures but some just leave me wondering what's wrong with them. I have been enjoying my flickr account as of late and that too has been causing the writing here to literally dry up.