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Monday, October 24, 2005

Anagama Kiln Firing

This is what I will be doing this weekend.

Anagama Firing with Anne Rafferty

Firing October 29- 31, Unloading November 6

Everyone is invited to join in the firing of our wonderful anagama kiln. Bring cone 10 bisque pots, and glaze with our glazes, or bring your own cone 10 glazes to share. Loading begins early on Friday morning, stoking begins late Friday night and continues until Sunday morning. Participants will sign up for four hour shifts to stoke the kiln. The kiln will be unloaded the following Saturday, November 6. Bring protective clothing (long sleeves, no synthetic fibers- they are flammable) and work gloves. Trucks and chainsaws are always needed, too!

The firing fee is one cent per cubic inch. Participants are welcome to camp on the lawn. Food is potluck style- bring something you can share. Everyone is expected to pitch in! Please RSVP to hold your place in the firing.

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